
Horizontal Analysis of Financial Statements Overview & Examples

horizontal analysis formula

Horizontal analysis is a method of financial statement analysis that compares financial data from one period to another. This technique is used to identify trends or changes in a company’s financial performance over time and can be applied to various financial statements. Horizontal analysis of financial statements can be performed on any of the item in the income statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows. For example, this analysis can be performed on revenues, cost of sales, expenses, assets, cash, equity and liabilities. It can also be performed on ratios such as earnings per share (EPS), price earning ratio, dividend payout, and other similar ratio. The vertical analysis involves comparing financial data within a single period by expressing each line item as a percentage of a base figure, typically sales or revenue.

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You also need to reliably understand how your business is fairing and this is where financial statement analysis comes in. Above, you are presented a comparative retained earning statement for the years 2020 and 2021. You can see every important item from the retained earnings from the previous year to the net income, dividends, and the retained earnings by the end of the year. Both years are compared with each other and it can be seen generally that there has been a significant increase in earning from all sources. You can do horizontal analysis using only two periods for the comparison, but it’s highly recommended you use more to avoid drawing and acting on less accurate conclusions. Mike Dion brings a wealth of knowledge in business finance to his writing, drawing on his background as a Senior FP&A Leader.

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The upwards shift in the net profit was mainly due to increased revenue for Meta. It reported a revenue figure of $ 85,965 million and $ 117,929 million for 2020 and 2021 respectively. By applying horizontal analysis in these practical scenarios, ManufacturingCo, Inc. enhances its financial decision-making processes and ensures adherence to regulatory standards. This insights and his love for researching SaaS products enables him to provide in-depth, fact-based software reviews to enable software buyers make better decisions.

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horizontal analysis formula

All these are taken into account in relation to identifying your past financial performance and your prospects for the future. As business owners, the compilation of financial statements is usually the only measure taken to represent financial health. However, having these statements alone and just looking at the figures does not help you by itself to improve your financial situation. Through horizontal analysis, the different items can be seen to have different increases and decreases, with each item only compared with its corresponding counterpart in the alternate balance sheet. The final step involves you reviewing these changes and making appropriate use of the information you get from your analysis.

Key Learning Points

  • These formulas can be applied to various financial statement items, including revenue, expenses, net income, assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Horizontal analysis compares financial data over multiple periods, while vertical analysis compares different line items within a single period.
  • Horizontal analysis is a financial analysis technique used to evaluate a company’s performance over time.
  • While numerical changes offer initial guidance, understanding the ‘why’ behind those numbers is crucial for business strategy and decision-making.
  • It’s like having a time machine for your finances, where you can spot trends, identify anomalies, and essentially read between the lines of those monotonous columns of numbers.
  • Once you have your company’s values for the variables of interest, you need to find those of similar companies in your industry for the selected time periods.

Through horizontal analysis of financial statements, you would be able to see two actual data for consecutive years and would be able to compare every item. If we take historical data of the financial statements of a company for year 1 and year 2, then one can compare each item and how it has changed year-over-year. This method allows you to compare values from different financial statement periods in dollar terms. You can simply subtract figures one from one accounting period to the baseline accounting period. Whether you’re an individual investor, a portfolio manager, or part of an investment team, horizontal analysis provides valuable insights into a company’s financial health and growth prospects. This example demonstrates how horizontal analysis of cash flow statements can provide insights into a company’s cash management, liquidity, and financial stability.

For horizontal analysis, it’s best to take several years of historical data to gain useful insights into how a company is performing. Horizontal Analysis measures a company’s operating performance by comparing its reported financial statements, i.e. the income statement and balance sheet, to the financial results filed in a base period. With a solid understanding of horizontal analysis applied to income statements and balance sheets, you’ll be well-prepared to make informed financial assessments and decisions.

horizontal analysis formula

The percentage representation makes it easier to determine the level of change between these different periods. Just like the above comparative balance sheet, these balances obtained from income statements are collected from different periods; 2020 as the base year and 2021 as the comparison year. Positive or negative trends are spotted and this method serves as more reliable when presenting external stakeholders like investors and creditors with your company’s financial health.

Step-by-Step Example

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